The Dangers of Not Treating Car Accident Injuries
You’ve probably heard the old adage that when you get bucked off a frustrated horse, you should get back on as soon as possible. While that may hold true in the case of a bucking bronco, it is a dangerous philosophy for a high-speed automobile. If you have been involved in a car accident, you won’t be able to move on with life—even if you try—until an accident doctor treats your injuries.
Common Car Accident Personal Injuries
In the last fifty years, not only have cars gotten faster, but reaction times have slowed due to distracting technology (i.e. cell phones). This combination can be deadly. And even when it’s not deadly, it causes serious injuries. Injuries sustained in a car accident are either immediate-onset or delayed-onset.
Common immediate-onset car wreck personal injuries include:
* Penetration wounds (i.e. internal organ lacerations)
* Cuts
* Bruises
* Broken Bones
Common delayed-onset car wreck personal injuries include:
* Blunt force traumas (i.e., seat belt or air bag-related injuries)
* Concussions
* Whiplash
* Headaches
* Soft-Tissue Injuries
* Anxiety/PTSD
Even low-speed fender benders can cause injuries…
Think you scraped by without an injury after your latest low-speed fender-bender? Think again. Research has revealed that vehicular velocity has little correlation with injuries. That is, you can be injured in low-speed accidents, and not in a high-speed accident, or vice versa.
There is no foolproof formula to calculate the chances of sustaining an injury; it is totally random. In fact, one study asserted that a change of vehicle velocity of just 2.5 miles per hour can induce injuries, while vehicular damage may not occur until 8.7 miles per hour. So just because your vehicle isn’t damaged doesn’t mean that you’re lucky enough to not have the injury!
Why are injuries not directly linked to the vehicle speed at the time of the accident?
Good question! There are many factors that go into whether a certain person is injured in a particular accident. One such factor is vehicular speed, but that is only one factor. Other factors include:
* Physiology/History of Muscle Tension (People with a history of muscle tension are more likely to sustain injuries – even in a low-speed accident.)
* Emotional State at the Time of Accident (People who are frazzled, rushed, and anxious are more likely to sustain injuries.)
* Awareness of Impending Accident (People who are unaware that they are about to be in a car accident do not clench their muscles.)
* Angle of Accident
* Vehicle Acceleration or Deceleration
* Seatbelt Usage
* Free-floating Objects in the Car
* Seating position
* Blood Alcohol Level
* Vehicle Type
* Age
* Body Composition (i.e., percentage muscle)
As stated above, there is no foolproof formula that predicts whether you will sustain a personal injury in any given car accident. Believe me—insurance actuaries would love such a cutting-edge formula! But there is a complex interplay of several factors that determines injury risk, and the kind of car accident that injures another person may not injure you.
A Medical Evaluation Following an Accident is Crucial
The bottom line: You must see an accident doctor who is an injury specialist following any car accident—no matter how minor. See an accident doctor even if your vehicle is unscathed—because you may not be! You are not made of metal, after all ( and we want to keep it that way! )
If you don’t have any injury symptoms, delayed-onset injuries may be lurking underneath the surface. Worst case scenario, blunt trauma from the seatbelt or airbag may have caused organ damage or even internal bleeding. Without a medical evaluation, you would be unaware of this until several days after the accident—at which point, it might be too late. Untreated organ damage/internal bleeding can be fatal.
The Dangers of Skipping a Medical Evaluation/Treatment of Injuries
Okay, so internal bleeding that leads to death is the worst case scenario. But that doesn’t happen to everybody. A more common result of skipping a medical evaluation is lifelong pain and immobility. That’s right—without proper medical attention even seemingly innocent soft-tissue injuries can plague you for the rest of your life. The longer you wait to treat them, the more scarred over and painful they can become.
No Excuses, No Regrets
But what if you simply don’t have the money to pay for a medical evaluation or treatment? Even that is not a good reason to avoid accident doctors! Doctors Accept Liens is an online physician directory that connects you to hundreds of doctors and specialists who are pros when it comes to treating personal injuries. The best part? These specialists accept liens, which means no upfront cost to you! A Lien is a simple promise to pay a doctor back once you receive settlement money from your accident case. That’s all there is to it.
Contact Doctors Accept Liens today to schedule an appointment with an accident injury specialist who will ensure that you heal quickly and completely following a car accident.