Chiropractic Treatment After a Car Accident Injury
Getting in a car accident can be troublesome. For an individual who has been in a car accident, the very first thing to do is seek immediate medical help, evaluation and treatment to minimize any long-term effects of the trauma. Many people delay necessary care because they are concerned about the cost of care after an accident. However, the more an accident victim procrastinates or waits to seek appropriate medical care, the higher the chances for them to experience serious medical issues such as whiplash, chronic muscle spasms and joint pain. Majority of people are unaware that their car insurance has coverage for chiropractic or medical care after an accident. Treatment can be on a lien basis so victims of an accident can see a doctor with no upfront costs.
Chiropractic care has long been suggested to patients after car accidents for personal injury cases since it’s one of the most effective ways to treat muscle spasms and decrease pain. Seeking an accident Chiropractor after a car accident is the most effective treatment when compared to traditional treatments such as prescriptions drugs that only temporarily help and the dangers of surgery. While drugs and surgeries can be required for serious car accidents, they should not be considered as a permanent solution as they have many side-effects. Chiropractic treatment, however, does not involve any surgery, injections or medication and therefore can be considered as a natural way of curing pain and helping accident victims regain function. An accident chiropractor can help relax your back, spine, neck and other joints using different techniques such as spinal adjustments, massage or other treatment techniques and exercises.
Medical experts recommend finding chiropractor or physical therapist near you after car accident to obtain proper treatment. Doctors Accept Liens helps victims of car accidents find a personal injury doctor near you for each case since the severity, symptoms and the type of injury will be different in each case. This requires different medical experts to evaluate accident victim complaints and form a proper treatment protocol for patient recovery.
Chiropractic Care For Whiplash
Chiropractors are often recommended for the treatment of whiplash injuries, which is a common injury that one may encounter when the head suddenly “whips” backward and forward or side-to-side rigorously in a car accident. The sudden movement damages the soft-tissues, present in the neck (aka cervical spine), to experience micro tears, which can further lead to severe neck pain in the future if not treated properly. Many car accident victims do not know that they are suffering from whiplash as doctors who are not trained to treat car accident patients might misdiagnose the problem and it may take some time for symptoms of whiplash to appear. However, as soon as these symptoms start the patient will suffer from severe neck and shoulder pain. Even if the things appear ok, you can’t trust symptoms always because many conditions ranging from arthritis to heart disease lack initial symptoms but may grow to become detrimental and severe over time. Whiplash can destabilize your spine, causing severe pain in the neck and back. Unlike other injuries such as an ankle sprain, whiplash is one of the few injuries which only gets worse with time if not treated properly. The extent of pain can increase which can further cause other medical conditions such as migraines, headaches, anxiety, depression, and difficulty sleeping. Therefore, it is crucial for the car accident victims to seek Chiropractic injury care after a car accident.
Here is how visiting a Chiropractor after a car accident can be helpful to recover from whiplash and improve overall health.
During whiplash, ligaments and tendons in your body tend to partially tear as a result of sudden back and forth movement in a whip like fashion. These tears are microscopic in nature and therefore cannot be detected even in an X-Ray. Chiropractors, however, are specialized in finding such traumas and providing proper treatment for restoring optimal spine alignment. This treatment works best for the health of your spine especially after it has been through an accident trauma. Chiropractic treatment may involve a series of tests to diagnose problems with soft tissue, reduced motion, muscle strength and joint pain, etc. Depending on these test results, the Chiropractor will then develop the most suitable treatment plan to restore your spine to its optimal position, and eventually lowering the pain. An accident chiropractor works by manually adjusting your neck and back to relieve pain caused by an accident or whiplash injury and restore normal neurological function. The treatment may include several spinal adjustments, massage, physical therapy and acupuncture to accelerate the healing process. Furthermore, the Chiropractor may also involve several stretching exercises and various physiotherapy to enhance spinal mobility.
Overall, a Chiropractor will focus on increasing the range of motion and adjusting the neuromusculoskeletal structures of the body. Since there is no medication involved Chiropractic treatment is the safest option of treatment after a car accident or for whiplash victims. If you need help finding an accident Chiropractor near you please call (949) 245-2392.
I have been in the same situation a couple of years ago, and I’m glad I found a Chiropractor that helped me regain my strength and improve my body condition. What I can suggest is find one whom you can discuss your condition freely so the specialist can address your situation properly.
My wife was recently involved in an auto accident, and I think that being able to get some good treatment would be good for her. I’m glad that you talked about how a chiropractor can help with auto accident treatment, and whiplash in particular through restoring alignment. I’m going to have to see if we can find a good chiropractor for her to go visit, and figure out if there are any other issues that need to be addressed! Thanks for the info!
I’m glad that you talked about how an auto accident treatment from a chiropractor could be helpful. I’ve been wanting to find some treatment for my wife, and I think that being able to see a chiropractor would be good. I’m going to have to see if we can find a good auto accident treatment and see how she feels!
I’m glad you mentioned that chiropractic care is more effective because it actually treats the issue, as opposed to prescription painkillers that only mask the pain. I was rear-ended on the freeway last week and have been experiences some pain in my neck since this morning. Thanks for sharing this article and helping me understand why seeing a chiropractor would be the best next move for me.